Tag: organization

Cleaning Out My Closet

clutter stands between you

Something very strange happened on Saturday afternoon. Anyone who knows us, knows how truly strange it is…We didn’t have anything scheduled to do. We had a soccer game scheduled for 7:40 a.m. but our daughter was recovering from a virus so we couldn’t go. The rest of the day was WIDE OPEN. It was absolutely amazing. I made it my goal to stay in my big, comfy sweatpants all day and I succeeded. Hey…Small victories can have a big impact. 😉

My ankle has been bothering me so it was important that I took it easy for a few days. I took advantage of the laid back free day and decided to clean out my closet. (I know, not THAT taking it as easy as I should, but we’ll save that for another day.) I have attempted to clean out my closet before and it has only resulted in my pulling a few pieces of clothing out and the rest stayed the same. This time I was determined to do it right. I got online and read about 10 different articles on how to clean out your closet and combined the ideas.

I pulled every single item out of the closet, including shoes, purses, and belts and I started going through it. I first found my Closetfavorite things that I loved and wore on a regular basis and I put them in one pile. Then I pulled out everything that needs mended or sent to the dry cleaner and put them in another pile. Everything left from there was sorted into three categories: keep, maybe and donate. When I finished sorting, I went back to my maybe pile.  If I hadn’t worn it in a year, if it didn’t fit correctly, or it wasn’t flattering, I moved it to the donate pile. When I moved everything back into my closet, I organized it by color. Isn’t it pretty? See the picture to the right. I even organized my shoes by types of shoes and nicely organized my scarves and hats. From start to finish, it took me several hours but it was so worth it. I now look in my closest and I can clearly see what I  have to wear and I can coordinate outfits easier. When I open the closet door it makes me smile. It is light and bright. It just feels good.

I’ve always been a more of a messy person. (Right Mom and Dad?) I have read that right-brained people tend to be messier people because their brain is wired differently then left-brained. So I just need to work a little harder to stay organized. A cluttered space means a cluttered mind. The clutter and disorganization competes for space in our minds and therefore making it harder to concentrate and think clearly. We know our thoughts create our world, and I for one, don’t want to be creating chaos and clutter. Life can be complicated enough as it is.

I am going to make a list of all the things in my house that could use a little de-cluttering and see what else I can clean out.  The three main places I spend my time are my house, my car and my office. It is my focus to keep all three of those spaces as beautiful as possible. I’m clearing out the clutter. I’m clearing out the road blocks. I’m concentrating on creating the beautiful spaces in my beautiful life. Won’t you join me?



Clutter isn't just in your home